Blu Ray over/under $

Sony announced the release of a blu ray DVD player for this summer along with some disc releases. What's your guess of how much it will cost upon intial release? How much would you pay to get one or would you get one at all?
Rysa...if you visit the XBOX 360forum at can see exactly how little they seem to care about the add on....but you may have to look a page or two back in that forum to even find the thread on the announced add on.
My son owns an XBOX 360 and I had to send it in with a code after 6 hours because it was rushed to market just like the HD players are going to be.

Most seem to feel scammed by MS....with the vast majority not even interested in the add on.

The ps3 is a true "Trojan Horse" because it will be included on every player and PS is far bigger than Xbox as far as units sold goes and popularity.

Advantage = SonyB/R. imo

I will most likely be buying the Pioneer Elite Blu Ray player that took best in show.
I agree that Play Station three rocks- I saw it myself. It gives a superior gaming experience than xbox 360 IMO as a truely disinterested third party. PS3 is a better product and obviously is a key Sony/Blu Ray advantage.

Still, I think the HD-DVD/blu-Ray issue is not so easy to determine a winner. With a split on movie titles and cheaper price points on movies and players, HD-DVD cannot be counted out easily. Lets see what happens...
Just back from CES myself, saw no apparent quality difference between hd-bluray. However anybody I talked to promoting hd-dvd was very defensive sounding while the blu-ray folks said "done-deal, no contest". There are significant mass-storage advantages to blu-ray. But MOST IMPORTANT I feel is the publics acceptanceof a neat sounding word like Blu-Ray, much better than trying to say HD-DVD.....This simple name of a format thing is much ignored...Try saying SACD to a record store clerk and their eyes glaze over, DVD-Audio was better but still stupid, could have been called cd-plus or something and gone over much better as an audio format, just my 2cents worth, Mike.

It looks as if XBOX is saying if HD fails...they will then have add on B/R players.
Some of the Xbox 360 owners had said that MS was probably hedging there bets and/or not having full faith in HD....looks like they were right.
wow the new formats are failing already and SACD is still releasing new software and players.