Bob Carver "Black Beauty 305" or the E.A.R. 890

Has anyone heard both the Black Beauty and the EAR 890? I own the EAR and it is great! I'm thinking about the Carver because of the increase in power... I'm using a single 890 and that provides 70 watts per channel. The Carvers come as mono blocks with 305 watts. I could go with 2 EARs and that would be 140 watts but for a lot more $$$.

I know doubling the power will provide 3db more... and thus the Carver's will be 6db over my current set-up.

Any thoughts?
Like the answer to any nontrivial technical question, it depends. Even just +3dB of extra headroom can yield a huge difference -- but it all depends on your listening habits (typical & peak SPL), speakers, seating, and room. If you shy away from loud volumes or have extremely efficient speakers then the +6dB itself likely won't matter, but you'd still hear a sonic difference between the 2 amps. Then, there are other complex interactions between amp & speaker that aren't necessarily related to the power output -- and that's where it gets tricky, and matching becomes more of (or at least partially) an art.

Nobody here can provide better than a wild guess about your power needs without the above details.
My only thought was how loud do you want to play your music? Then I remembered that some people have big rooms to fill. Even then when I lived in a relatively large home with a big formal living room, I was able to get all the volume I needed from 40 to 60 wpc, using 88DB sensitive Von Schweickert VR2s. What are you aiming for?
I will hazard a guess here and say that either approach will work, I am rooting for Bob Carver's comeback but recognize the quality of the longer standing E.A.R. amps.
I used to keep a variety of amps perhaps you can keep both.
Right now I'm powering a pair of B&W 802D's but I have a pair of Magico S5's on order. The S5's are rated 89dB where the 802's are 90dB.

How big is "big?" The room is about 24' x 27'

I don't have a problem filling the room with a single E.A.R. today (70wpc). When I think about the formula that doubling the power brings "just" 3dB more... given that dB is a log scale doesn't than mean 30% louder?

I don't listen to much music at high volume - so, the question is as much about the "quality/qualities" of the sound.