Bookshelf Speaker Recommendations

Hi All!

Longtime lurker here.  I am interested in recommendations for bookshelf speakers in the sub $1500 range.  My current setup:

I have a small, non optimal office/listening room at home.  It is about 12'x8'.  For years I have been running B&W 602's which are hard to beat for the $250 I paid for them.  I am running an Emotive Pre and I have 2 Carver 65x2 amps that I recently had refurbed. They are running the speakers biamped.  These little amps are excellent.  

I recently purchased a pair of B&W CDM1 SE for a steal on Craigslist, and while the treble is more detailed, they don't sound as good overall as the 602's.  I have also tried a new pair of the B&W CM series and there was a very marginal improvement in clarity and image, but not enough to justify the cost difference, so they went back.

I have heard many here recommend the Ascend Sierra 2, which are currently on sale and have a trial period.  I am leaning in this direction.  Before I pull the trigger, I would like to hear the thoughts of people that have heard more speakers than me.  I live in a smaller city and pretty much all of the dealers are gone.  I have heard some Paradigms locally in this price range, but that is about it.

I have done lots of component swapping over the years and what I am running now has beaten the other things.  I am considering upgrading other components too.  I have an opportunity to buy a Parasound A21 for $1300.  it has 5 hours on it and a small blemish.  The only thing holding me back is that it is overkill for my room.  I am also considering upgrading my preamp as well.

I look forward to your suggestions, thanks in advance.

If you're leaning toward the Ascend Sierra 2, that's a good direction to lean! I've been very happy with mine.

Thanks for the continued recommendations.  There is so much good stuff out there in this price range, it is difficult to choose.  I have looked at everything suggested.  The LS50 seems to have a strong following.  There were a fair amount of comparisons with the Ascend on the web.  Analysis paralysis!  Now even more choices.

I hadn't heard of vertical biamping, even though I have considered that the tweeters basically don't tax an amp at all.  If I have time this afternoon I may switch them.

I appreciate the continued dialog! 

"I hadn't heard of vertical biamping, even though I have considered that the tweeters basically don't tax an amp at all."

That's the problem. An amps power output is based on frequency/resistance. The lower the resistance (frequency), the harder the amp has to work. In a horizontal setup like you have, the amp for the tweeters doesn't have to work nearly as hard as the amp for the low frequencies. An amps sound will change depending on how hard it has to work. When you use 1 stereo amp to power each speaker, both amps are being asked to work the same amount. Vertical solves a lot of problems. To be honest, you really shouldn't make any decisions until you either do a vertical biamp, or just use 1 amp for everything.