
I hope on recommedations on ($800-1800) polite/(thin) sounding bookshelves. Many miles away from sounding bloated. Easy, maybe a tad 'boring' and musical bookshelves. I'm aware that some wave this off as anti-hifi. But that's simply my taste. I want to enjoy them but not feel 'impressed' or overwhelmed by them.
I hope on some pointers on the right direction.
British speakers tend to have the rep of being "polite" ... look for some of the LS3/5a models from Spendor, Harbeth or Clements ... older but still relevant and hold there resale value better than most should you not like them for some reason
Make sure that they don't have a rear port.
You could even go for something little in a sealed enclosure like gallo's with a sub on the floor somewhere?