bridging an amp

what are the pros and cons of bridging an amplifier?

Besides all that has been said from above, this is an fyi, and my opinion. These two Mc amps are superior in sq than other Mc amps ( I have owned them both, and really liked the 7300 ), as they do not use the Autoformers. They happen to be different in sq, from each other. If your son bridges them, using the 2002 on 1 channel and the 7300 on the other channel, they will not be sonically matched, in a 2 channel set up. Enjoy, be well and stay safe. Always, MrD.

9 posts
10-23-2020 10:34am
Stock answers to stock questions are not going to help the op.


I'm glad you cleared that up. They sound pretty stock.. Bridge or not, make noise or not.. This is not a SQ issue, this is lets make NOISE..
I don't have a lot of money to spend, right.. Just a lot of noise.

You know PARTY, DUDE!!! Head banging stuff, NOISE...

If you follow his recent forums.. Just sayin', I have...

i have a question. if you have a pair of klipsh speakers that can handle 100 watts continuous does it matter if you have 200 or 600 watts?? what will the 600 watt amp do better than the 200 watt amp?
i have a question. if you have a pair of klipsh speakers that can handle 100 watts continuous does it matter if you have 200 or 600 watts?? what will the 600 watt amp do better than the 200 watt amp?
If it's the exact same amp with just higher rail volts for the 600watter, SFA. (aussie slang).

Cheers George