Bright / forward speaker cables.

Looking for a speaker cable that sounds on the brighter side of neutral and a tighter mid bass region. Any leads would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Depending on your price range, you can go with Kimber 4PR. Is somewhat "zingy" sounding on top and quick and light on bass. Can take a dull or drab sounding system and give it some "pep" on a budget. Next up might be Nordost Flatline. Not really so much bright as it is lean in the mid-bass and detailed throughout the mids and top end. After that, and i know that this one varies BIG TIME from system to system, is Analysis Plus Oval Nine. I tried it in two different systems and it was VERY bright and splashy sounding to me with a very noticeable lack of output in the warmth region. Obviously, your results might vary, especially with the last suggestion ( AP ). Sean
I agree with the Nordost. The Oval 9 may just need breaking in, then they won't fit your criteria?
I ran the Oval 9's for at least 500 hours and was not shy on the throttle. They did fill out and smooth a little bit, but never enough to make me change my mind about them. Just my personal opinion based on my experience within my systems though, so please don't get upset if you or anyone else that you know has had good luck with them. Sean