Bryston 4b3 or BHK 250- how woudl you compare them?

I have posted a couple of times as I am looking for new amplification to replace my Mcintosh MA7000 integrated but that I am running only as am amp with a Prima Luna premium pre-amp (this already was a big improvement).

The system sounds v good but I know I am missing some detail and I would like to get more depth to the sound stage in order to have a sense that I can "look into" the performance.

I have heard the 7B3 monoblocks and was very impressed- that said I was going fback and forth between these and Mcintosh 275 VI and I did find the Mcintosh more involving but just slightly less revealing.   You can see the write up I posted a while back.  Ultimately, if I were to chose I would go for the Macs- but alas both these and the Brystons are more than I'd like to spend.

So I started thinking about the Bryston 4B3 and BHK 250- they are at the same price point so I am curious if anyone can give me sense of the differences and their preferences, if any.

I would be using the Prima Luna as preamp and I am running Magico S1 Mk1- as i said I am hoping to get more depth and detail.  And I heard these speakers do that beautifully but I do not remember the setting and ancillaries- it was while back.   In the current set up I am almost there on detail and airiness (inserting the Prima Luna was a big upgrade) but the soundstage could use more depth in placing the performers in a 3 dimensional space separated from the speakers.  Lateral imaging is v good.

There is also Pass Labs 150.8 for sale and I am intrigued by that as well- power should be adequate but probably not much more than that as Magico's do tend require a good amount of power to be driven appropriately.

Your advice would be greatly appreciated- thanks as always!
Your best deals will typically come from High Performance Stereo in Miami, The Music Room in Colorado or Underwood HiFi for PSA gear.  As you probably know Underwood Wally lives in Hawaii but the main warehouse is in Atlanta. 

pgaston said...
aolmrd1241, I have just started doing some tube rolling with the Primaluna- I took a pair of NOS Tungsram I had installed in my Mastersound SET and the sound does improve- but I think I need to get more pairs to really see how it will change. I also have some Gold Lions but haven’t really tested those as Ihave found the Tungsram to be superior. What has worked well in your set-up?

I am using a pair of Mazda 12au7WAH 5 star triple mica’s in the first driver stage...followed by a pair of Amperex 12au7 7316 large O getters in the second driver stage... For the gain stage [front middle] I then use the Amperex 12au7 7316 long plate foil D getters...This set-up is to die for.. and now considered,by me.. end of game for my system’s tube rolling...

I have tried other combos.. but for me, in this pre..I am more than pleased with the sound I’m getting in my PLDP. Expensive tubes but worth the cost...

Oh...I also use the Brimar 5R4GY rectifier tubes and also the  Philips 5R4GYS rectifier tubes ...I do switch them out on occasion...depending on my listening mood...And yes,the rectifiers do matter. 8)