Bryston Amp for Magnepan 3.5R

I just purchased a set of Magnepan 3.5Rs. I am currently using a Bryston 3B SST. I believe this amp is underpowered for these speakers. I would like to stick with Bryston amps.

What is the better choice of amps to use?

I am considering the 4B SST or jumping right up to their 14B SST or the 7B SSTs.

My listening room is about 16 x 16 feet.

What are your thoughts?
Move up to a 4bsst or if you can swing it get the 14b, and then you can warm and sweetin thing's up with a tube preamp.You need big clean power with maggies first to open them up. Now if you want tube amps for the 3-series and up you better look to some manley neo 500's or the VTL 450 monos, The power company will love you for your efforts.
I second the vote for bridging the amps. This option would be the most cost effective, although there are reportedly sonic tradeoffs when amps are bridged. I biamped my MG-IIIs with excellent results for many years. You could use one amp for each speaker. I also believe there is a switch on the back of your amp that will allow them to be bridged. Consult your manual or give Bryston a call, they should be very helpful and can give you some hints as to the best way to go.
Bryston does not recommend bridging their amps into 4 ohm loads, so I don't think that is the way to go. I used a 3B-ST with a pair of MG12s, and that was a good match. Some people don't like Bryston with the true ribbon models, but Fremer mentioned in Stereophile a while ago hearing a Magnepan/Bryston system at a show and thinking it sounded pretty good. Don't remember which model, either 3.6s or 20s.