I have extensive experience with Classe and have just purchased a Bryston 4B-SST. I have always been a big fan of Classe and while I have no experience with their recent offerings I have been impressed with their older gear. I still own a pair of their model Seventy amps for my surround system and feel they are one of the best used values out there. In my main two channel system I use a pair of Aerial 10T loudspeakers. In the past I've used Roland model 3 monos, Classe DR-15, Classe CA-300, and have just replaced a pair of BEL 1001 MK3A monoblocks with the Bryston 4B-SST. The 4B-SST is the best yet in my system and I can't believe these only retail for $2800. The Classe CA-301 is to my understanding no different than the CA-300, just different cosmetics (personally I much prefer the older styling) and there is no way it is worth the differnce in price over the Bryston. A friend of mine owns a CA-400 and it has been back for repair twice since he bought it new. This last time Classe charged him $180 for repair and return shipping. As soon as he turned it on it literally smoked. That thing weighs a ton and is a real hassle to ship and now he has to do it for the third time!
As to the comment above by Amthanh, there is nothing bright or grainy about the Bryston 4B-SST in my system. Perhaps he heard an ST which is said to be brighter sounding or it is something upstream in his system, but I've no experience with the ST. I would never characterize the SST as bright or grainy. The rest of my system: Pass Aleph P preamp, Audio Research PH3 phono preamp, Well Tempered Reference turntable with Grado Reference low output cartridge, Dodson DA 217 MK2 DAC, CEC TL2 transport, Silver Audio Silver Stream 75 digital interconnect, Image Reference balanced and single ended interconnects, Cardas Hexlink Gold 5C speaker cable, API Power Wedge 116 line conditioner (used on front end only, not amp). There are some good reviews on Bryston's web site comparing the older ST with the new SST technolgy that I recommend you read.
As much as I like the Classe product I would go for the Bryston. If you really want to save some money I'd go for older Classe like a model Fifteen or Twenty Five. These are really nice amps and I think they may be more reliable than Classe's newer stuff, but maybe my friends experience is unusual. I know someone who can get you a nice deal on a new Bryston if you are interested. Just let me know.