Budget amp for NHT 2.5i - suggestions?

Hi guys, I just picked up a pair of NHT 2.5i towers, but I don't have an amplifier for them yet. Just wondering if you had any suggestions, especially if any of you are currently running these speakers or have had them in the past.

Apparently these speakers tend to be on the bright side, and they like lots of power to perform optimally. Some seem to use them with tube amps to decrease the brightness, but others seem happy with solid-state as well.

I got a good deal on these and am on a pretty tight budget, so I would probably buy a used amp, but I'm open to anything. Any suggestions or info would be great. Also, I will probably use my computer for music so I would have to buy a DAC as well (suggestions? maybe good amp/dac pairs?) Thanks!
A B&K ST140 (or other B&K amplifier) would be a terrific match...and you could run a cable between line out and your amp and control things with your computer.
I second B&K. A friend has a ST-2220 (I think) and it sounds darn nice for what he paid. He's running Maggies which are not an easy load and the amp does fine.
These speakers are indeed revealing... which calls for quality DACs and preamp/amp. The NHT2.5i can be biamped quite easily... and I know of many who used tube amps for highs/midrange and a solid state for the bass. I don't know your budget, but I would recommend a used Peachtree Decco integrated, which has a usb dac and tube pre-amp section. I've seen these go for about $450-500 used here on audiogon. However, the power amp section is about 40-50 watts and would probably not provide enough juice for the power hungry bass drivers.... you could use the pre-outs and biamp with a Tim Rawson gainclone... these have surprisingly strong bass and come up used here on audiogon for as low as $200.
Good luck!
Don't you need the high current clone or would any First Watt clone work? I know they are not big wattage amps.

The OP request for low cost may preclude this but used Odyssey SS amps for the bass are fairly inexpensive. If you can get a used Cary made AES AE -3 preamp, especially the first models they are truly a bargain but the heavily upgraded later editions run up the cost. Never the less great sound.