"has plenty of power (peering through the top grille I see the thing has a good size toroidal transformer sitting in the middle)... all in one tidy and inexpensive box." Bfrank
"You do realize that a new one was over $2,000, right? Anyway, I'd say your done shopping. The 1065 is actually overkill for your setup." ekobesky
Lol - just know this. Yes, the receiver will drive the speakers. Just like a Honda Civic can get up to 120 miles per hour (much faster than any sane human would ever need to drive - So you won't ever be using that top gear to the fullest, right!?!....?). And, as $2k receiver goes, yes, it has descent power.
Actually, the old $3600 Denon AVR5600 and Yamaha DSPA3090 at $2700 had large power transformers too. And yet, they didn't even have adequate power to drive smal B&W DM601's (let alone larger Mirage M5's and M3i's) full range with any body, snap and power!!!
Yes, I've sold the Rotel products, and they offer good value, indeed, for the money. No doubt. Otherwise, it's good product, I agree.
Still, to be accurate, so you know what you're dealing with - the limitations, potential, down-sides, short-comings, and benefits - I think you should know what you're getting.
You will have overall "cleanish" sound, as the receiver is descent, and the speakers are rather clear and detailed, if a bit limited in macro dynamics, comparatively. They are low low low sensisitivity speakers, that dip in the impeadance - meaning they suck juice. Since the receiver IS NOT SEPARATES, it will not deliver the goods like a dedicated power amp (note: Your modest 100w/ch $1k Rotel 5 channel power amp will deliver much more snap and control to the sound, comparatively). I KNOW you would still get better performance adding an outboard amp. Just try, and consider...that's all I'm saying.
Sound will be much more dynamic, 3 dimmensional, wider sounding stage, more musical, and full bodied sounding with better amplification. That's just the way it is.
Anyway, good luck. There's always more to tweaking your ride that can be done. It's just thoughts, perspectives, and suggestions.