It's summertime in Austin and an audiophile is seriously considering high wattage mono tube power amps. I guess some like it hot!
If you don't have much experience with tube amps I would be cautious in buying vintage tube power amps. They may require more maintenance than you anticipate. I'm not saying they are unreliable, but that they are not appliance like. If I were you I'd be thinking along the lines of Jeff Rowland 5s or mono 1s.
The Snells are an excellent speaker. Please post how you end up and your impressions.
If you don't have much experience with tube amps I would be cautious in buying vintage tube power amps. They may require more maintenance than you anticipate. I'm not saying they are unreliable, but that they are not appliance like. If I were you I'd be thinking along the lines of Jeff Rowland 5s or mono 1s.
The Snells are an excellent speaker. Please post how you end up and your impressions.