Building an Audio/Video Room / Setting-Up Power

I am starting to design plans for building a new Audio / Video Room. The room will be a new 2-story addition to my home (approx 20 x 25 feet each floor). The downstairs will be a children's PlayRoom. The A/V room will be on the second floor (another issue is making the structure extremely solid and sound-proof). Additionally, the 2nd floor will have storage, component racks and a bathroom located behind the wall that will have the viewing screen.

ELECTIC POWER: I intend on installing a Sub-Panel designated only for the A/V System. However, I am interested in a basic outline as to other matters such as POWER SOURCE, POWER CONDITIONING, in-wall WIRING, GROUNDING, etc.

I am not an Electrician, so your basic explanation would be appreciated. In turn-I wish to incorporate your ideas into my plans and hire a competant Electrician.

The most important is good stabilized power. So you need numerous "home runs" each 20 amps min. Two 220v dedicated systems and two 30amp outlets each with its own breaker. With the 30 amp you can run a voltage stabilizer/filter then hook up all your video stuff. Your amps will run better off of dedicated 20 amp circuits and depending on what you are going to run maybe 220 volt circuits.

It's cheap to do the extra wiring now vs later.
30A receptacles (NEMA 5-30R)would require changing the plugs on your eqpmt, unless, of course, your stuff has 30A plugs already (very highly unlikely). 30A ckts are overkill for consumer electronics.

220VAC (240V actually) are useless unless you have 240V equipment - which *is available for selected overseas markets; but that's 50Hz, not the 60Hz here.

Prostar needs to hire a seasoned audiophile/electrical designer or engineer to do a layout.
I think dedicated power and 20amp circuits are more than adequate. Its expensive enough getting to that point.