Great sentiment Bob, I've lived my life by it so far, why stop now :-)!? Speaking of sailing, the Green Monster has just been picked up for shipping by sea to Cyprus! Let's hope the boat doesn't sink on the way there. Strange coincidence, it turns out I lacquered the Lenco the same shade of green as Srajan's Zu speakers!! Can you beat that?!? The Audio Gods are with me :-) !!
And speaking of yet more sailing, I decided to let the preview guide my trip. I didn't know at the time I sent the e-mails which were quoted that they would be quoted, and they mentioned that I had often stopped off on Cyprus and my way from Greece to Israel/Egypt and back again. So I got my Egyptian visa, and if time and money permits, I will do exactly that for the review, stopping by on my way back from Egypt by ship to assemble the Lenco and begin the review. Though with island-hopping and shipping I don't know if even two months allows me the time to do it. We'll see.
I'll be largely if not completely off-line for the next two months, at least on forums, so have a good summer all, and pray to the sea gods for me and the Giant Lenco!!