Burmester 069

I am wondering if anyone has had the opportunity to listen to the new Burmester 069 reference CD player? How does it compare with their 001 top line player?
I am not too sure about the 001, but compared to my brother's 061, i thought the 069 gave me a sense of grander/fuller scale, detailed but with sharper contrast, regal and majestic. When my bro got 061, I thought to my self, 'no way a redbook CD player can any better', I was wrong. You really have to sit down with the 069 to know/feel what i'm talking about. Hard to put into words.

069 CD transport/DAC, 808 MkV Preamp, 909 Power amp, and B100 speakers
Accuphase 800/801, Esoteric mod APL3.0 and Wadia 270/931/921. I am sorry but have not heard the latest dCS, only verdi/purcell/elgar. Among these I prefer the Accuphase rig. The others are too cold/analytical and less musical in my ears. But I prefer the 069 over the Accuphase. The 069 has more resolution, depth and is more dynamic and musical. This player plays with more "confidence" and authority than any other player I have heard. I could also add Mcintosh MCD1000/MDA1000 combo to this and Theta Compli/GenVIII which I have had in my own system. Also when I run the Theta Compli as a transport into the Burmester 069 as DAC it sounds like a cheap toy in comparison... The 069 just amazes me! I must add I use the 948 conditioner and think that gives the 069 a benefit. There is a lot of synergy when using Burmester components together. That also includes the Burmester power cords. I have tried Valhalla, WireWorld Gold and latest Synergistic Research, but the $500 Burmester AC cord beats them all in my system!
That's interesting. I figure that the Burmester and Zanden have a flavor that is very dynamic and solid, yet smooth. The Wadia, Esoteric, and Scarlatti immerse you in information, which can also be satisfying and equally 'musical'.

I think digital has been near perfected, from several viewpoints. Too bad about the cost.

A funny thing which struck me;
in Norway, where I live, I can buy 3 new Burmester 069s with the reference power supply for the price of 1 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limeted with the V8 4,7L engine. In the US I think you get 2 such cars for the price of 1 Burmester 069 with the reference external power supply.
I guess this has some impact on our priorities... Crazy!
In the US, if you're considering these players then you need to also consider the Playback Designs MPS-5. It'll be at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, in the Soundings high end room.

For the price differences, you could afford the airfare to Denver and stay at the Ritz and, perhaps, buy a new car.
