Burn In on Aurender N100H

I just acquired an Aurender N100H.  It replaces a Sonos Connect modified by Wyrd4Sound.  After installation, I noticed a very "digital" sound and a lot more noise than I'd been familiar with while listening to the modded Connect.  The modded Connect was connected to my Schiit Audio Gumby via Digital Coax.  Aurender can only connect via USB.
How long do I need to burn this in to get a sense of the quality of the Aurender?  I have a 60-day return policy and if this unit doesn't improve exponentially it is going back.  I would appreciate hearing from anyone with a similar experience and how things worked out.
Also, any advice on the best USB cable for the connection between the Aurender and Gumby?
I have had a N100H for a while. It replaced my PC as a streaming source to my DAC (Exogal Comet Plus). I find it anything but digital sounding in comparison, but did find that different USB and power cables, and to a lesser extent Ethernet cables, changed the sound significantly with this pairing.

I compared the WireWorld Platinum Starlight 7, Belden Gold, Shunyata Venom, Curious, and Purist Audio 30th Anniversary USB cables (all of which I still have) and, for the money, the Curious is the value leader (the Purist the best, but at a price). The Curious has a very balanced tone, a "non-digital/analog" sound, and is very good re: resolution, detail and air. It is reported to be best in a shorter length, so I bought the .8m.

Another that I have not tried but has been recommended for a smooth and musical presentation without sacrificing resolution is the Audioquest Diamond.

The Triode Wire Labs Digital American power cord is very good on my N100H FWIW. The N100H also benefits significantly from good vibration isolation/transmission, ie a Symposium Acoustics constrained layer platform, bypassing the stock footers.

Good luck to you pg62.

All digital without tubes should be left on for at least 24 hours before any critical listening is done.  If you don't like it after 30 days, I would send it back pronto.  I know some say that certain components take 500 hours to burn in, and it is also true that you have to get used to it - BUT, if you don't like the thing after a few weeks, let it go.  
I heard the same very digital sound from the N100H as well.  I was using a wireworld starlite7  800.00 usb cable which was well broken in going to a Wyred4Sound dac2 did se.  My laptop sounded much better.  I sold the Aurender a.t a loss and bought a second Sony HAPZ1ES music server which I like much better