Burn-in question

in caps and resistors, once the burn-in has been runned is forever or sometime i must re-run it ?

about your point of view do resistors nedd of burn-in ?

thank you

The manufacturer and owners of the high end burn in device Cable Cooker by Kafton actually report that re-burning cables in say, once a year is effective, so one might reasonably conclude that yes, burn-in is not permanent. Not to mention the conclusion that playing music through cables is not as effective as more stringent methods.
Bare also in mind that Cable Cooker certainly has direct financial interest in re-burning statement 
That's a stretch. Besides, the Cable Cooker customers have no financial interest in making that observation.  Don't be such a conspiracy theorist.

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Just use this Pink Noise Generator (pink button), raise the volume and leave it on while your at work, press the oscillate high button to vary it up and down. forget all the voodoo gimmicks that cost money.

Cheers George