Buyer Beware of Late Part 2

O.K., so I realize it's not Audiogon's job to protect us from our own stupidity, but the scammers keep coming! The latest was by Kokilo and Smith00, both advertising B&W speakers at super discount pricing (red flag #1) with no feedback (red flag #2). This time, however, Kokilo listed an Iowa zipcode, right in my neck of the woods, so I thought I'd have some fun. I replied that I wanted the speakers and would pay cash, but would pick them up in person, please reply. No answer. I sent another email stating that Audiogon had given me his address (they don't, just for the record) and I was on my way to pick them up. No answer. I then told him that my brother-in-law, an Iowa State Patrol officer would be with me and not to be alarmed when his patrol car pulls up in front of this house. No answer again! My last email stated I was on my way and have the speakers ready to go. What a answer! As of last night, he had "sale pending" and now, he's no longer a member of Audiogon. I really hope no one sent this thief any $. Buyer beware, don't be stupid, know who you're dealing with.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
I saw that MC1201 for 2k, too. no feedback. stuck out like a sore thumb. I asked the dude about the amp's exact application (single monoblock) and guess what... no response. He probably doesn't even know what a monoblock is. I also told him I'd buy it if he would accept verifiable payment! LOL. I emailed audiogon and thankfully it's gone now. I wasn't sure if audiogon was getting my emails because they don't reply, but I guess they are :)
Why does it seem like so many of these are targeting B&W wants? A couple of today's "interesting" ads:

"B&w NAUTilus like new10/10" $2999/obo 10/10 zero-feedback seller

"B&W 802 MATRix series iii black ash speakers" $1200/obo 10/10 zero-feedback seller

"B&w 800 Nautilus like new" $2900/obo 10/10 zero-feedback seller

Is it just me, or is there a pattern there? Of course it doesn't help 'em when there appears to be a slightly more legit listing for B&W 800's for $11K on the same day...

Hope I'm not accidentally dissing any legit member (although at least one is already no longer a registered member...), but it sure seems that the scamming is trying to prey on B&W lust (or greed) and that will just make it tougher for any truly legitimate B&W seller or buyer to make a good deal.
Krell FPB 600 for $1500 back up for my neck of the woods. Let's see if I can go pick it up :) name is Democco. I just googled myself and found this post. Hope someone is not trying to be me. I'm the only "Democco" I have ever found proof of.