Cable budget in a rig

I'd like to know what % of your total budget do you put in cables for your rig ?Is it usually 10-15 % ?
The speakers are the ones i own Thiel CS 3.7s.I have already demoed the Ypsilon separates at home in 2017.I'm going to Switzerland oct 23 to demo the Aries Cerat pre-power on the 3.7s.Will also stop by Geneva to make a factory tour at Dartzeel and listen to the new separates.
Great plan. Speaking of transistor and hybrid electronics, at this level I too would consider Ypsilon, Gryphon and Swiss brands. I would add Lamm to this company, and I am sure there are others I am not aware of. I probably would not combine Nagra with Luxman but who knows ? How did Thiels sound with Ypsilon ?
Ypsilon sound phenomenal on the Thiels, ultra refined sound without any harshness, very emotional.I'm sure Aries Cerat monos will be at least at the same level if not better.Regarding Swiss brands CH Precision is the only one i'm considering, the smoothest and tubey of the Swiss SS brands.It's also the most expensive brand of them all therefore my dealer better give me a good discount if i go this route.
But you mentioned DarTzeel and Nagra, both Swiss. I have never heard of Aries.
Dartzeel NHB-108 model 2 will not be able to drive my speakers unfortunately.I will demo in Paris Luxman M900U paired with Nagra Classic preamp mid november.This combo is the last one on my shortlist.Aries Cerat is my favorite tube brand at any price.