cable doubter no more

i was once one that thought high end cables were just a waste of money. i upgraded my system and purchased all ps audio cables. these were replacing signal cables, i heard a clear improvment. i was satisfied, and believed my currant componenets were as good as it would get with them. i then went to the R.M.A.F. and lusted after all the great sounding gear. but my ears were bigger than my wallet. but after finding some good deals on some dh labs revelations, and a set of analysis plus blackovals, my system has been transformed. im talking a good 20% by 2 sets of interconnects and a set of speaker cables. im blown away by the improvement. to all you cable doubters out there sorry YOU ARE WRONG !! just wanted to get that out there , thanks for reading.
Viridian, so tiresome you found the time to waste on a post like that. i must have made the whole thing up just to keep you coming up with lame statements like that.
SO tiresome: Hearing from all the deaf doubters out there!! Then again- Look how big Stereo Re-phew's(GAG) subscription list was. Oh well- Freedom of Speech(and, in some cases: Ignorance), made America what it is.
Its just human nature to post that way and more of said human nature to reply that way and the reply to the reply.YOU ARE WRONG is a first grade emotion and pretty much dooms the post to a level of that which is in all of us from 5 to 85.Crayons,chalk,new friends,recess,wonderful smells,alliances,betrayals.As basic and predictable as the first Pong game.The Red Green ending then and adieu,cheers,Bob
You said "i upgraded my system"; were the new cables the ONLY change, or was there new component(s) involved too?

And I have to agree with Usblues. Making the 'YOU ARE WRONG' statement comes across as arrogant, as the change you heard may be specific to your system, ears and listening room, and those cables may just as easily degrade the sound of someone else's setup.

That said, I do believe cables make a difference (from personal experience), but maybe avoid the sweeping statements :)