Cable suggestions for Martin Logan

My speakers have bi-wire capabilities and are driven by Classe.At the moment I'm using MIT 2 and suggestions/experiences would be appreciated
Blue Circle BC92. Blue Circle founder and designer Gilbert Yeung has Martin Logan CLS IIz in his reference system. I would think these MLs were used to design the cables. He does still use them in the system. You can always Email Gilbert and get his opinion.

I have two pairs of BC92 (I don't have MLs). They are more than well worth the money spent. See this link. The pic of his MLs are at the bottom:

See my system below:

-Martin Logan ReQuests.
-Krell FPB 600.
-Krell KRC/Reference Phono.
-Sony SCD-1.
-Old VPI table, SME3009 arm, and various cartridges.
-All interconnects, speaker cables: Pure Note Epsilon Reference,

I have been a fan of pure silver cables until now. I have tried the usual; Silver Smith, Silver Audio, Acoustic Zen, Empirical Audio, etc. There was always an unreal presence with silver cables. I moved on to Nordost, the Quatro-fil did not impress. I borrowed a pair of Valhalla from a friend but they lacked body. I read about the Pure Note buzz, I figured with a free trial, why not. A pair of 1m i/c is only $800. The Pure Notes finally did it for me. They are the first cables that sound like music in my system. No edge, liquid midrange, black background, well focused stage.
I had the Martin Logan Aerius i and used Goertz AG1 (silver) on the panel and their copper MI cable on the bass. This was an excellent and cost effective combination since silver cables, for whatever reason, work wonders with ML speakers. Since it requires almost no power to drive the electrostatic panel, the smallest diameter, lowest cost AG1 is fine for the panels and you can match the output of your power amp to the copper MI cables,using the MI 1, MI 2 or MI 3 at a very reasonable cost.
Have VAC amps and AI pre (tubes) with my ML Aeries(SP). Use and love XLO 5.1 speaker cables. FYI JPS interconnects. Hope this helps.