Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
05-21-13: Mresseguie
My wife and son already give me strange looks when I tell them about this or that piece of audio gear.


Don't'll get used to those looks, and it won't bother you anymore. LOL!!
Funny looks now, but eventually the look of surprise and excitement will be on their faces when they hear the stereo! Have fun!
LOL!, I totally agree with jmcmcgrogan2, waxwaves, The excitement will be on their faces!, lucky for me my wife does not give me those looks!, She looks at me with intensapation of whats getting ready to happen!cheers!
My wife and kids don't give me strange looks anymore, they have adapted to my insanity. My wife will allow that my system sounds 'very nice' if pushed, but I know that she thinks it is a huge waste of money on the inside. So we just don't talk about it.

I guess she feels the same way about my audio system as I feel about her wardrobe. Her clothes look very nice, but she spends waaaaay too much money on them. LOL!!

The kids, they just don't get iPod is all the music that anyone needs in their opinion. So we are audio nuts....who cares???
"So we are audio nuts....who cares???"

Maybe your wife and kids? Maybe more than you realize. Yeah, right who cares? But you gotta admit, if we are going to be honest, and we are honest, right? We are really a peculiar lot, even among ourselves. How about the cable issue for starters? And so begins the journey down the rabbit hole of belief vs atheism. And where lies the truth? Does anyone care but to boast their opinion? "I trust my ears". "It doesn't matter what your ears hear, an electrical signal passing through wire can not alter the sound" Naw, it's about the music with the wife in the background muttering under her breath, yeah, right! And you expect her to think that you aren't, at least a little bit nuts? At least with her clothes she is adorning herself with a visible end result while we bicker over minuata over what we can or can't hear. It's a funny thing, being an audiophile, that is.