@ Bo1972, Hi, I know everyone at Taralabs, I believe if you wanted to sell their cables there in the neitherlands, I can make that happen!, regardless of what happened to the distributor there!, you can be the new distributor!, As we both know, there is no such cable as the best because of system synergies are different, I believe adding Taralabs to your list of available products will also be part of some of your shows where customers can experience real sound like some of the other brands of cables you sell do!,adding more variety never hurts your sales, and the cable brand will up hold your reputation as best sound at the shows!, I recommend selling the 0.8ex on up the cable food chain to the top model!, and you could be part of premiering Taralabs new top cables coming out at the years end, They have not had to make a new top cable for 14 years!, so, you can imagine the rest of the industry would take another 8 to 14 years to rival their new top cable again, they will have in addition to the new top cable, a new line as well made just fow wide band amplifiers and componets!, I have been friends with Taralabs since 1996!, As a matter of fact they have offered me to be a dealer!, would be nice!, thou I can sell their cables, I do not have the capital to go for it, maybe one day soon, but not today!,,, cheers!