Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
I like many flavors of cable but most of all I like pistachio and tutti frutti. Yum!
@ Iblieve, You want an amp capable of 3 dimensional musical presentation for not too much money??? Try upgraded McCormack DNA-1 & .05 Deluxe Ediion amps. After Steve's upgrades these amps do it well!
"But there were people who did not hear it. The person of Nordost became irritated that he didn't hear it. So he made a big misstake."

The person from Nordost did hear it. He was just mad that you could hear it too.
He was irritated because the person said to him: I do not hear the difference. It is how he hears it. So he has to accept it. The man of Nordost said to him; that it was his limitation. How stuppid you can be to use those words. The difference was noticable but not that big. So he did not give a good demo. He played with Odin, Niodeo and Raidho speakers. He played one of my cd's; Bruce Springsteen Brothers under the bridge. His voice was a little to big in proportion. The instruments were not projected in a lot depth. And I missed resolution at the words endings of his voice. Wenn I play it at home you can hear so much easier the words endings. Ending at a ssss, ttt or th. You could hear it, but it was not that clear. So I understood that the person did not hear it. The demo was not good enough. Many parts were you Judge a system at were not convincing enough. It was there fault and not the person his fault that he could not hear it.
It's one of the most common leitmotiv in High-end business : if you can't ear it, you're the problem!
It's so stupid to say that! Just say to the guy that he's lucky cause he's gonna save a lot of money in the process!
On my system, some friends are hypnotized by the sound, some are not able to ear the improvement and many of them tell me i'm crazy to spend so much money on that! It doesn't mean they're stupid...
Hifi is a mind game...