Cain&Cain Abby

Anyone hear the Cain&Cain speakers, especially their reasonably priced "Abby"? I'm running a conventional 93db dynamic 3-way with a Moth (1.8wpc) 45-based SET. Happy but looking into "loonie-land" possibilities. TIA
Hi M:

If you're running 93db with that amp and like it I think you will really be happy when you bump up the efficiency a little more. Lots depends on the room of course.

This, I believe, is a link for the plans Twl used for his Voigt Pipe Lowther speaker.

Are they the same Twl?

Terry Cains speakers are very good (beautiful woodworking) but there isn't any state secret about the enclosure and they are not difficult to make. The Fostex fe 164 is a fine driver but the Lowther has generally been considered a step up and, the new Lowthers (which I have not heard) by all reports, including Twl's above, indicate they are even better. I think I am going to try it myself.

Yes, they are the same, but remember, these are INTERNAL dimensions. The overall size will be a bit larger due to the thickness of the material you use. Also, I used a 12" wide front baffle panel, which I believe helps to reduce any problems with baffle-step frequency shelving below 380Hz. The adjustable wings also help in this, but I am finding now that the drivers are breaking in, that this is not as necessary as I once thought. But it is helpful when there is bass-weak music being played.
Thanks gents. I admit I'm ignorant on this subject and my present system causes little concern to change but "on paper" the advantages are apparent. I just need to research a matching speaker as carefully I did replacing the pp triode VAC with the 45 SET Moth. I'll check into the new lowthers (cost?) and see what (if) Terry at Cain will do. Thanks again.
I just spoke with Terry Cain about his Abby speaker. He has incorporated the new FE166E / 95db1w with bass below 40hz. He feels the latest Fostex drivers are superior to the NEW Lowthers. He actually has two Abby models, one for nearfield listening and another for larger spaces. They use different model drivers but otherwise alike. I've got a demo pair coming for audition.
That is good news for you. If the new Fostex are even close to the new Lowthers, then you are in for a treat. I'd be very interested in an audition report. Remember, the Fostex and Lowther both require quite a long break-in period, so don't be too judgmental early on. My Fostex units took well over 100 hours to get close to being broken-in. Fostex can be quite enjoyable. Keep us posted.