California Audio Labs – Icon Mk II CD Player - HDCD

Did all the Icon Mk II players with HDCD have PowerBoss?  Or are there some Mk II players with HDCD but not PowerBoss?

And how do you tell?

Thx for the info on ID'ing the unit.

BTW, I've used mine for many years with no problems ever.
I confirmed mine has the PowerBoss pcb -- it seems about as good as an Oppo 103 

the Power Boss is an upgrade. How do you like this player?
I know it is an older spinner- is its technology outdated in your listening?

Happy Listening!
I have no current  xperience with the CAL IconHDCD Power Boss but I did own one years back. Sold it in 2001 and bought in its place a Meridian 508.24. The Meridian, which wasn't exactly new in 2001, trounced the CAL in every area except one- the CAL's bass was better. Can't imagine thar a CAL Icon would stack up well against a current $2000 to $3,000 digital front end