Calling All Analog Gurus! What to do about my vintage Signet TK7LCa?

I just took a chance on buying a Signet TK7LCa cartridge on eBay to try with my new Allnic H1201 phono stage. I got it yesterday, checked the stylus (looks straight), and mounted it on my Well Tempered Amadeus. Unfortunately, the sound is dull, dull, dull regardless of what settings I use with the Allnic. I cleaned the stylus, so that is not the issue.

Am I correct in assuming that the stylus is just worn out and will need to be replaced? Are there other things I should try? What are my best options? What would you do?

Thanks in advance for any and all helpful tips. I continue to have high hopes for this cartridge despite this inauspicious debut.

Problem solved! I started from scratch, raised the VTA a smidge, re-cleaned the stylus, and reset all of the connections. Whatever was wrong is now right. It is as if two thick blankets have been removed from the speakers and the cartridge is now singing beautifully. I've got a little hum issue I still need to work on, but at least now I know the cartridge is not defective. Far from it!

My sincere thanks to all who weighed in with constructive comments.
Dear @waltersalas : Good and good that you are " testing " the MM alternative. One important MM cartridge parameter to take in count for the " right " cartridge set up is the capacitance value where the MM always " react " to. So, making changes in MM cartridge load capacitance will change the cartridge quality performance levels and a must to try.

Regards and enjoy the music,

Dear @acman3 : """  turned digital fan, Raul, saying they did not like it, """

maybe that is a misunderstood. I'm not a digital fan or analog fan but a MUSIC lover/MUSIC fan that recognise today that the digital experience is a true enjoying alternative to analog in more or less way the MM is a true alternative to LOMC one.

In reference to the Signet models what I said is that exist better vintage Signet model like the TK 10MK2 that it has better quality performance and that's all.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Glad that the problem's solved Walter.
I don't run my VTF above 1.2Gm for the 7CLa. You should try lowering below 1.5Gm.....
Raul makes a valid point about Capacitance which you should try if it's easy to alter on your phono-stage and especially Resistance.
Maybe your particular system would sound better with the cartridge loaded at 60K Ohms? Especially if it retains some 'dullness' or lack of sparkle?
Good luck.