Can a new amplifier affect speaker placement?

Hi all,

So I went out and got me a shiny new amp. One thing I'm certain I've noticed is the bass isn't as rich as with the old amp. The new amp is well-known for its bass response. The old one may have been too (don't remember) - but it's less than half the power and a fourth the cost of the new one. Both amps are overachievers in their price category. In short - I've trouble believing my little Creek 5350SE has bigger bass than my NAD M2. I wonder if something else is going on. Has anyone had to re-position their speakers, following a new amp purchase?
Hey there Foster -

Plan on a loooong break-in for the M2. More than 200 hours in (I've lost track at this point), I sat down to listen to the Branford Marsalis Quartet's new disc: Four MFs Playin' Tunes. While traveling recently, I'd listened to it a lot through headphones and was anxious to hear it at full resolution in the cave. Long & short: the bass was lumpy! I was obviously getting more bass energy than I wanted from closer placement to the rear wall.

After all that earlier foolin' around with speaker placement, I wound up moving the speakers 6" back into the room. I'd tried this very placement a week ago, and the bass wasn't right. Now it is. Sigh.
Sturgl,I like it. It is has a unique sound; detailed yet musical and very clear, transparent.