Can a Pass Labs XA160.5 Drive a Set Of Thiel CS7.2

I have a pass Labs X600 which is being used to drive a set of Thiel CS7.2's. I'm considering upgrading my amp to either a Pass Labs X600.5 or a Pass Labs XA160.5. Everyone seem to love the XA160.5's. However, I'm concerned that the XA1605.5's won't have enough current to drive the big Thiels. I've had Threshold T400's and Pass Labs X350 paired with the Thiels in the past and I was unsatisfied with the dynamics.
Mark at Reno Hi-Fi will give you good direction here. I would talk to him. He offers free in home trials; just pay shipping back and forth if you decide to send them back. You can try the XA160.5 and if not what you are looking for move on to the X600.5's ...

I know Mark well and have purchased a lot of Pass Labs gear from him. I would love to be able to do an in house trial. However, shipping the amps to Ohio is expensive and risky.
Yes it is but then you will have answered your question for yourself.... Or perhaps talk to him and see what direction he steers you in .... I have also found Kent English from Pass to be an excellent source of information as well...
Does anyone know what the XA160's actually put out at full Class A/B power? If it's anything like the XA30.5, it will likely be much more than the 160 Class A watts.

What don't you like about the X600s? Do they have enough drive but they miss some Class A refinement/nuance and tonal richness? IOW, are they a bit dry or thin. If so, then I think this is what the X600.5 will improve upon.

I agree with the others who suggest you start by contacting Mark or Kent.
How loud do you listen to music? 86 db efficient speakers... Biamp your system, keep the X600's for the woofers and the XA160.5 for pure class A only in the mid and highs.