Can Any MSB Premier Dac Owners Chime In???

Greetings, My system consists of Joseph Audio Pearl 20/20 Speakers (graphene midrange) Classe' CA M600 Monoblocks, Classe' Sigma SSP Pre (only used in 2 channel bypass mode) PS Audio Directstream Dac and Memory Player...6 Furutech Dedicated circuits, Cardas Cabling...All Furutech Power cables....I think that's it? If we ever get back to normal I will Demo a MSB Premier Dac...Any MSB Premier Dac owners that can share their experience about this unit? The Directstream is a very good Dac, I'm looking for more detail...Thanks...John
I was asking @rfc who is running that other thread, but good to know. Also by source I meant things like Streamer, CD player, or anything the MSB DAC is fed by.
Source is a Naim Audio HDX.
2TB HDD that rips and stores bit perfect CD’s as WAV files, also serves iRadio from my Router.

I wanted to revive this thread, as I'm curious how good the Discrete is-  I have my sights set on the Reference, but before I spend big dollars, I thought I'd get my feet "wet" with the discrete and see if I like the sound.