Can even a Novice hear differences in Sound Qualit

Just wanted to relate an experience I recently had with a friend of mine. Those that have read my Threads before, have heard me wax enthusiastically about a DIANA KRALL-The Look of Love-DVD Audio Disk. The Recording has a Multi-Channel Surround Sound version Recorded in 24-bit/96 kHz. The Disk is being played through a Pioneer DV-58AV Universal Player, connected to a SpaceTechLab A-102 Vacuum Tube Headphone Amp, Driving a pair of Grado RS-1 Headphones. Only having 2-Channel capability, the Pioneer can Downmix the Multi-Channel version to two. A 65 year old friend of mind, not an Audiophile with limited hearing, was given a chance to listen to this Recording. His jaw had dropped to the floor. After listening for five minutes, he took the Headphones off and said "why don't they make all of them sound as good"? This Man was unimpressed with the multiple 2-Channel SACD/2-Channel Hi-Rez DVD-Audio Disks that he has heard on this Pioneer. The only thing that I can say is "out of the mouth of Babes...."! Sorry to keep harping on the point, but I believe that this is the only solution to the lack of Harmonic Content on all 2-Channel Digital Recordings, no matter the sampling rate. I also believe that it is the only solution to closing the gap of Harmonic Content between Analog and Digital, minus the ticks and pops. It would be a damn shame to lose it!
hi pettyofficer:

making a mountain out of a mole hill ?

take a course in anger management . it's not a big deal. if you don't like the product don't buy it.

take up another hobby. why don't you run for president in 2012 ?
Yeah, you are right. Best to spend Tens of thousands of dollars on a Stereo System than to spend even one dime more on something decent to play on such a behemouth! Bragging rights, hey, garbage in-garbage out! Who do you think you are kidding? Instead of a course in anger management, it would seem to me that most need serious Phsycological help with deep seated apathy bordering on suicidal tendencies. It is a big deal when a Product is being Monopolized, while having its Quality widdled down, its price being boosted along with profits. I keep on trying to tell everyone, that you are suppossed to be in the business of demanding higher value for the money. Something that the American Public seems to get with other commodities like houses, and cars and such. They used to get it when Records were popular, what a slide down hill it has been. The American buying Public has definitely come a 180 degrees in attitude towards Sound Quality since then. I think that it is reasonable to ask why? Since I have only one avenue to purchase Music, seems that I am along for the ride. It would be so much easier to accept your advice, drink the kool-aid and become lulled into another Reverend Jim Jones victim. Sounds peaceful and quiet, but then I see hundreds of Recording Industry Vultures gathering on branches. They caw, as they are looking for something to feed on. One of them swoops down on a carcass, and plucks an eye out of a decaying Skull! Sorry, Mrtennis, you get the kool-aid in the face, I sure as hell not drinking it!
I am going to say one last word on this subject, and that is it. Those of you who have decided to toss in the towel, and actually join in the Recording Industries attempts to cheapen Sound Quality to boost profits, are just confusing the Hell out of the rest of us struggling to get decent Sound Quality Value for the money! Is this your idea of, if you can't beat them, then join them? I haven't even heard from one person who even claims to represent the Recording Industry itself, it is obvious that they don't feel a need to do so! They have so many so called Audiophiles, brainwashed to do their dirty work for them! It's a hopeless cause, we are not the marketing demographic the Industry is interested in-it's all B.S. It is propaganda put out by the Recording Industry itself, they don't want you to be making judgement calls on Sound Quality yourself, and possibly cut into their Profits! It is conveniently profitable for them, if you pick up the apathetic baton and continue to pass the lie along! Your apathy is their greatest business gain! They make money off of you believing that your purchasing decisions have no real market value. That you have to just settle for whatever New crappy sounding Format that they want to dole out to you! I wouldn't even care, except that these Vultures are feeding off of your apathetic carcass, and pretty soon I will be next! Of course it is in my self interest, to persuade you that you do have value. It is unfortunate that you have chosen the Recording Industries version, that you don't have any real Market Value as a Human Being at all! Why you don't see how they benefit, and stuff their own pockets with more Profits, by you putting yourself down and cheapening your own Value! Imagine that, a Cow that not only marches itself to the slaughter house, but takes the gun and slaughters itself on cue! I am sure that the Masters of the slaughter house are astonished at their own good fortune, and are very pleased that they don't have to make any effort on their own part at all! Your apathy is a win, win situation for them, the cruxible is a lose, lose situation for you! My challenge to you is to dare you to stop making yourself a looser! Is that making a mountain out of a mole hill, sure, why not! I think you are worth it, I certainly know I am! If that makes me delusional, needing anger management, Don Quiote fighting windmills, call the guys with the white straight jackets. I am fighting for my own self worth, how about you? Do you really want the Recording Industry determining your own self worth? You will never get your soul back from them!
Whoa, dude! Slllooooow downnnnnnnnnnnn, I'm not sure about Kool-aid but methinks a chill-pill is in order.
I'm as cool as a cucumber, my challenge still stands. I dare anyone to stop making yourself a loser, to stop devalueing yourself for the sake of Recording Industry Profits. You are not just bringing yourself down, you are bringing the rest of us down with you. Start taking some pride in yourself and live, stop feeding the Recording Industry Vultures with your dead carcass of apathy. They don't need your help, they are fat enough already. It is waaaaaayyyyy past time for everyone to cut the strings of these Puppet Masters! Contrary to the latest intellectual thought, that coincidentally stuffs the pockets of your Recording Industry Masters, you do not exist in a vacuum! You do have purchasing power! Just how much exactly have you spent on your Stereo System, Just a tad more than the Teenager on his latest MP3 Player? Yet, according to your Recording Industry Masters, as far as the Market is concerned, you don't count! It is nothing more than an illusion, a shell game, smoke and mirrors, anything to get you to devalue your own self worth! It even sounds intellectual, but there is money to be had in this exercise in intellectual apathy, and it is not you that will be making it! Losing it is the likely outcome, don't you think that it is time, that you ask yourself, who you are losing it to? Devalueing Sound Quality cost you Money! Devalueing your own Market self worth, and Purchasing Power, costs you Money! Applying an apathetic intelectual exercise to yourself, costs you Money! Who stands to Profit, if not your Recording Industry Masters? Three Digital Formats have been introduced in the last 30 years, not one of them sounds as good as the earlier Analog Record. By anyones account, with anything else, these things would have been sent back to the Manufacturer as defects, a long-long-long time ago!