Can old 78's be played on a Victrola?

I have an old Victrola with what appears to be a steel needle and am concerned about playing 78's. Some of these old albums are very hard and heavy, while others are softer and more flexible. Is there a difference in the old albums and should they be played on different types of turntables?
That's what they were meant to be played on. You could use a cactus needle.
The answer to your question is yes. However if you value your 78s this would not be a smart thing to do. I would suggest buying a seperate cartridge to use while playing 78s on a "standard turntable".
It would be better to play them on a turntable that does 78 RPM and has a 78 stylus. You can get a Shure cartridge and get an interchangeable stylus for 78 and 33,45rpm.
I agree with getting a cartridge that has a stylus for 78s.
The Ortofon OM series has a 78 stylus available.