Can "Dark"Sounding Speakers Be "Brightened"UP???

One of my buds has a pair of the original Sonus Faber Concertino speakers(bi-wireable)partnered with a Peachtree Audio Decco,driven by a HP Laptop & cabled with all Audioquest copper cables(usb,power & speaker).While listening to my new Toy Monitors & Peachtree Audio MusicBox driven by an Asus Laptop recently he commented that he was able to hear treble frequencies(especially cymbals)on my system much better than on his & wondered if anything short of changing speakers could be done.
I have read that Silver Plated Copper cables tend to sound a touch brighter than all copper & was wondering if you folks think switching to all Silver Plated Copper(i'm thinking Nordost or DH Labs)cables might bring the treble up a bit in his system?
Thanks for your input,take care...
I think that if you use descent class D powerful amp you'll get what you want.
IME, I believe it might be possible. My soft dome tweeters are not bright sounding by any means. When on the wire merry-go-round I tried a few silver plated copper interconnects which did brighten up the highs. But compared to copper, I did not like their tone: cymbals sounded like metal on metal instead of wood/plastic-tipped on brass; Miles' muted trumpet sounded too piercing/steely, and same with violins. BUT, since his tweeters are different than mine, along with his ears, brain, and room, perhaps he might gain the benefits (added crystalline clarity) but not the anomalies. It is worth a try. Some manufacturers offer trial periods, or buy used and resell. I say, DO IT!
You can emphasize certain qualities by making cable choices. Silver tends to highlight the treble energy that is there. Also you amplification as already changed to pure SS and class D inparticular can bring out the treble in some systems. I have had to go the other rout trying to warm up and fill out my sound which I think I did well in my system.
Amps might help. Some amps are certainly more forward than others. Or an EQ of some type.

People (including myself) are raving about the DSPeaker Dual Core. It has digital DSP for bass but also a very customizable EQ, along with 4 settings that can be saved.

A/D/A conversion with it is also remarkably transparent. I use it for both analog and digital inputs.

Haven't actually played with the treble or non-DSP EQ controls yet. But this is one powerful little unit.