Can someone explain to me why : Accupahse Equipment is that expensive ?

…….I was recently looking into their Power Conditioners as well as their Amplifiers and for a company where there is very little reviews done on their products, along with a small ( here in the US anyway )  almost a cult following if someone could tell me why is their prices the way they are. I just don't understand it. I have listened to their equipment and is nice and the build quality is very good but ; I always said to myself ; '' Not for that price ". I do not mean to be in an any way inflammatory with this statement but is :  Accuphase the McIntosh of the East ?  McIntosh makes some nice stuff but is no way priced like Accuphase, however it seems to operate very much with the same business model ; you are paying for the name and the pride of ownership and the sound is very much dated. Maybe I am missing something here and the sound is very good and like Rolex you buy a piece and you are set for a lifetime. FM Acoustics is also another one of the those companies......Just looking for a really good amp and these companies come up in my search but I am just sitting here scratching my head ?           
I'm not quite sure of the relevance here. Couldn't you substitute a dozen or more highend audio names other than "Accuphase" and have the same question?
MR. M ...I guess that you could and being the OP, my question was directed at Accuphase specifically. The reason that I started  the thread as I have been looking at their amps …. 
That's a real shame. According to whitecamaross and riaa you wasted your money because Mac is mid-fi, and they are the experts... 
I get your point...I thought about that possibility after I posted.

Experts or not, after 50 years in this hobby, nothing has drawn me in closer to the music than McIntosh.  There is a rightness to the sound that I didn't get with other comparatively priced equipment..  For the first time in years, I look forward to listening to my 2 systems and I am now buying new music again.  There is also a pride of ownership with the McIntosh that is hard to describe.