Can't believe I let myself get sucked in again.

Good morning.
It has been over 10 years since I have actively participated in the forums.  Well I am back and bit hard.  I purchased 2 Bluesound Node2is and 1 Powernode2i on Saturday.  I have not done any critical listening in a very long time.  I am itching to get back into being an audiofool.  In a position to put a listening together again and I don't want to be patient but alas I must.  All in due time.  So feel free to welcome back this goner.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xartizen65
Wait till you get sucked into endless money pit...however worth it.
Don't blame yourself, we all go through this.  With the virus and lousy weather here in Pa. , I just spent another $2500 on audio tweaks and another $6500 on two Stressless chairs.  It's only money. Enjoy.