Can we finally put Reel to Reel out of its misery? Put it to rest people.

The format is dying and too expensive to repair properly. Heads wear out so easy and many out there are all worn.
High quality technicians are either retired or long gone. Its such an inconvenient format that can be equalled by nakamichi easily in tape decks.
Retire it please put them in museums. 
It’s called creating your mix of songs , from a source such As vinyl record that you record to your R2R your mix of songs or your CD and record your favorite songs,,, or from any other media source but to truly appreciate the analog experience vinyl as a source
why is it so hard for many to understand that not to long ago their was vinyl and tape
snd not a micro chip to reproduce music
i will stay with tubes , vinyl and tape yes it was fun to hear your creation 
snd going to s store and buying s LP AND IF ANY NEW BLANK tape MFG created a better tape ( scotch, TDK, BASF)

the reason so many have a problem with understanding tape / vinyl snd tubes is everything is press a button or say play with no effort 
on the other side we came from a  time creating something and didn’t mind it toke time to do. 
now it’s  immediate satisfaction   
You feel you have the right to an opinion w/o comparing your Naks & Elcasets to a quality open reel machine?  If you're trying to sound defensive about not wanting to hear the difference you know is there - you've succeeded.  it's called evidence & in this experiential hobby, direct experience kinda counts. The kind that stands up in a court of law & those principles apply to any premise operating in the real world. You would hear the difference guaranteed as everyone is implying to you here. THEN you'd have the opportunity to say. "I heard it but its too much trouble & I can live w/o it"  Now you're like the fox in Aesop s fable who can't reach the grapes & then exclaiming they were probably sour in any case. Your assertiveness w/o evidence of direct experience of a comparison, leads nowhere else.  I have opinions but this is not one of them. Rather an observable, indisputable fact.
Post removed 
Ditto classic cars, or ANY sports car or motorcycle...bad mileage, expensive to maintain, and hey...look how much stuff you can fit into a minivan! Mechanical watches...don't keep time very well...outta here! Great original paintings...can't you just get something at Home Goods and call it a day? Tube amps...sure they sound better if you're into that whole "it sounds better" thing, but put yer iPhone buds in yer ears and there ya go. Although I personally hate earbuds as wax collecting and invasive little bastards (use 'em on airplanes sue me), I enjoy all of the above anyway (no mini van as I think those things are testosterone destroyers), because sports cars, motorcycles, watches, art, tube amps, etc., are fun, and yeah...I really should stop all of this anachronistic behavior and hang with Vinny55, as hey...I bet that guy's a LOT of fun.