Can you help or do I have to get divorced?

Size and Placement does matter do to a misunderstood wife. I can't have speakers on stands, I can't have floorstanding speakers, and in-wall speakers are too permanent. What in the hell am I suppost to do? My room is 17' X 14' and I'm looking for speakers that will be used for music listening and eventually home theater listening. (when I can afford to complete the system). I want to find a good pair of speakers and amp that I can eventually build a good home theater system with. I need to stay below $1,000 for speakers. Any advice?
Rent an apartment on the side, use the biggest best room for any system that makes you happy and while your at it, mise as well find a girlfriend on the side to enjoy listening with. Then read Albert Porter's reply and do I need tell ya more
How are you planning on using a speaker like the Spendors? Your original post suggested that you couldn't put them on stands and seemed to imply that you had very little flexibility on placement. They're great little speakers, from all reports, but I can't imagine they're going to sound good stuck on a bookshelf.

They're hard to find and I don't know that they'd sound good for HT, but the Linn Kan Mk II's are designed to at least be put close to a wall if not actually on a bookshelf. They're very musical and very small. They usually run about $450-500 a pair used, so you could get 4 for your target price.

We're not giving you marriage advice, we're giving you audio-nut advice. It's a lot like golf-nut advice - if you want to pursue it with any real vigor, you're going to have to put up with a lot of potential friction with your significant other. Might as well brace yourself for it, but don't let it ruin your fun. -Kirk

I'm a golf professional so I can relate to the golf-nut stuff and I'm only in the beginning stage of being an audio-nut. I will put speakers on stands if it comes down to it but I'm at least trying to compromise by going to smaller speakers. Can you imagine what my wife will be going through being married to a golf and audio-nut. She may divorce me.