
Dear friends, I am interested in changing my crossover capacitor of 100uf 630VDC they are Auydn Q6 caps but I feel there is room for improvement if I put in better caps can anyone suggest what will be the best cap.
That's a big value and can get pricey, I've had good luck with Claity Cap CMR, Jantzen Aumin Z then for a smoother rich sound copper foil, Juniper, Miflex the copper foil are great for bypass also. Sonicaps aren't bad for the money certainly if you bypass them with a copper foil. If you have sand cast resistors pull all those out and add Mills or a little expensive the Path are nice. Re wire the cabinet can make a big difference. If changing out caps gets to expensive the little things like resisters, wire change, cabinet bracing does make a difference. Even with very expensive we'll know speaker company's once you open the speaker up you will be shocked the cheap crap they put in there.
One of mine needed to be 125uF. That is pretty big and real expensive. So to save money I used 122uF Jantzen Premium ELKO with a 3.3uF Alumen Z as a bypass cap.   

I view this as similar to the way I used Duelund JDM Silver .01uF bypass caps with the Alumen Z.  

Looking at doing the wire, but with 17 drivers per speaker that is a big project for a Moab! Might still do it but really need to do some planning first.
+1 rodman 
George I think you are probably correct for the main purpose of THAT cap, especially if the circuit has it going to ground. Not super important and Auydn is darn good. If you want to spend $$, my choices are Jantzen and Juniper for capacitors really used in the L/C frequency circuit. More expensive, not worth the $.
@paulcreed - thanks, I'd never looked at Miflex components before, thanks for bringing it to my attention.