Capri to the monoblocs 501, which cables?

I have just bought Jeff Rowlnds Capri and monoblocs 501
(Cd Player Denon DCD 2700 / Loudspeakers Infinity Renaissance 90)
I am hearing 85% classical music, mostly orchestral works and opera. I have been trying (starting from the Denon)

a) NBS Monitor active III / NBS Monitor III / NBS Monitor IV

very fast, incredible precision and details , amazimg soundstaging beautifull space beetween the instruments but, and this is a big but, absolutely awfull sound of the strings, harsch and uncultivated with too much white and pink noise

b) Shunyata Antares / NBS monitor III / NBS monitor IV

less detailed but more homogeneous, more organig picture of the whole, more polite ... sounds as if some tube would be there, I am not sure it is the reality and it seems to me creating some colour and fake sound-staging

c) Transparent ref / NBS monitor III / XLO Pro 650

female voice for example, lacking body, no enough texture, everything a little bit lean

Thank you for advices

kind Regards
I have many yrs. of experience with JR equipment. Cardas for all applications has worked best for me.
I've been through tons of cables and have settled on Kimber Select 1011, nice body and texture, very smooth. On my system, YMMV but worth checking out. Portrayal of strings is very good, and acoustic guitar very nice timbre.

ARC PH 5 to CJ Premier 14 to Mcintosh 501's
I have a Model 10; pair of 201s and Coherence II and exclusively use Cerious Technologies PCs and ICs.