Cardas vs Synergistic

How does Cardas´ Golden Ref SC compare to Synergistic´s Precision Ref (or Accelerator)? Anyone heard both on 3-series Magnepan?
I have tried both and am not a big fan of either. Quick summary is that Cardas is better suited for an analytical system that can veer towards brightness, while SR is better for darker/laid back systems.

I would follow the advice of the Cable Company, get some recommendations from one of their salespeople, and then borrow the cables they recommend for your system from their "lending library". If you don't like any of them, just return them at no cost or hassle.
>>02-01-11: Joeyboynj
All the newer Synergistic cables are non fatiguing or bright at all.<<

That is a disingenuous statement.

Cables are system, component, and listener dependent.

To categorically state that all cables from any company are non fatiguing or bright or warm or clinical or whatever, smacks of inexperience.

I belive cables need break-in when you unplugged them for awhile as my Cardas GR sounded totally different in the bass and sound staging after 2 - 3 days and the difference is from unlistenable blown out bass to well define and tuneful bass! I can hear the different when raising the cables and the sound will change after 2-3 days before settling down!
does anyone believe that a cable, any cable has a basic sound, regardless of the system, but may very somewhat from that basic sound, as function of the interactions of that system.

thus a sows ear may sound slightly different as you move it from system to system, but it probably will never be mistaken for a silk purse, methaphorically speaking.

thus, what i am proposing is that if you have a cardas cable and a synergistic cable, and bring both to several systems, will it not be easy to identify, one from the other ?

the idea is to bring a cable to many systems, to try to identify its sonic signature. it may take a while for a cable to reveal itself, but i believe, a trained ear can eventually discover the house sound of any cable, over time.
Yes, if you do A/B, you will hear it straight away but not always with different system. You will not be able to tell of their house sound as of speakers. I think they are more like a tone controls. Cardas will make mid bass warmer and SR cut them flat and emphasis more on the highs. Some cables make background quieter, wider soundstage etc.. I do not think the mega bugs cables are really worthwhile thought!