cart upgrade

thinking of upgrading the benz glider l2. i have up to $1000-$1500, but wouldn't mind spending less if i can. i like the glider, just feel like seeing what else is out there. using a scout/jmw-9/dynavector p-75 stage combo. i'd kinda like to try a dynavector because i love the p-75 and wonder what i could expect in terms of advance with the dynavector 17d2. anybody here using one with the same table/arm combo(and possibly stage) and having good results? also considering benz micro l2, grado reference, and lyra lydian.
all comments welcome!
My response was aimed at the compliance of the 17D2 Karat, which is 12cu. The JMW9 does not have any of the stablilizing features of the later ".5 series" arms, and is shorter too. My correspondence with JMW users has shown that lower compliance cartridges do not mate well with the unstabilized JMW arms. There are even some instances that are in the archives here on Audiogon that show some members abandoning their Helikon cartridges because the JMW was showing some problems with them.

The 17D2, Lyra Helikon, and Lyra Argo are all 12cu compliance ratings. While the folks above are happy with their Koetsu cartridges in their longer ".5 series" arms, I'd be very cautious about putting a 9cu cartridge on a JMW9.

However, you can do as you wish. I am just pointing out what I have seen.

YMMV, maybe.
I would agree with Tom that a 9cu might be a stretch in that arm. Will likely sound very good, just maybe not as good as it might otherwise. Too bad. Also because I would suggest a Shelter 901 or 501 before the Koetsu Black. I've heard both somewhat extensively and largely prefer the Shelters. Going up the Koetsu line is a different story, though. That said, I've not heard the Black in THAT arm, so specific experience in that regard should be heeded.

A used ZYX would be great - IF you can find one. The XX-2, as G m c states, is a pretty damn good cartridge and would probably work well with your arm. See if you can try one to make sure it is not too lean in your system. You might also consider the Benz L2, M2, or H2 any of which should be handled by your Dyna phono stage.