Cartridge alignment - Goldmund T5 tangential arm ?

Hello - I have a Goldmund Studioetta Turntable, with a stock Goldmund T5 tangential arm - does anybody know if there is an alignment tool, or any other tool, that may assist me in installing a new cartridge - it would seem to be a simple enough installation, but I'd rather err on the side of caution. thanks.
OK Albert. We're talking about two different things. You are talking about how to ADJUST the overhang, and I'm talking about the AMOUNT of overhang which, in the case of tangential arms, is zero.

I'm not sure exactly what dbamac meant saying "I'd rather err on the side of caution" (except in handling the cartridge ;--), but I'm sure the T-5 instruction manual I referenced will clear up any questions.
OK Albert. We're talking about two different things. You are talking about how to ADJUST the overhang, and I'm talking about the AMOUNT of overhang which, in the case of tangential arms, is zero.

I've been using tangential arms for over 30 years. When he ask
does anybody know if there is an alignment tool, or any other tool, that may assist me in installing a new cartridge
I responded with suggestions for tools that would assist in alignment.
By the way Nsgarch, your system is looking good. Hope your finding the changes to your liking. I'm still impressed that you did the shots of your speakers so well :^).
Thanks Albert, as you know, I was once a young photog. Now I'm neither young nor a photog. In fact, I'm considering letting audio go as well -- reluctantly -- but I have seen too many beautiful systems fall into disuse and disrepair by their aging (or suddenly deceased) audiophile owners and then be disposed or even destroyed by unsophisticated or disinterested friends and heirs.

"Great art is also knowing when to stop . . . . ."