Cartridge for Graham 1.5

Currently I use a Benz LO4 or Shelter 501 with the Graham on a Orbe TT. I would like to hear what others believe to be the best match for this arm at reasonalbe cost ie less than 2K.

The rest of the system is DIY fet-Loesch preamp with plenty of gain, Berning EA-230 and Quad original ESL's.
Regarding matching of the Jubilee to the 1.5 - I've tested the resonant frequencies with the HFN&RR test record and get a nearly ideal 10-11Hz for vertical and horizontal resonant frequencies. The cartridge is very well behaved in the Graham.
Actually theory would predict that the 16µm/mN compliance would produce a lower resonant frequency around 8.5Hz (assuming an effective mass of 11g for the Graham and 9.5g weight of Jubilee) - maybe the so called "Wide range Damping" used by Ortofon has something to do with the actual result.
I'm sure the higher compliance of the Jubilee contributes to its super tracking performance.

Don't read too much into specified compliance figures, I've had great results with cartridges speced around 12µm/mN. Funnily enough, the Denon 103R (5µm/mN but specified at 100hz not the normal 10hz) also produced resonant frequencies of ~10hz in the Graham - and also tracked superbly (though not up to Jubilee standard).

Don't know if he still has any, but I got my Jubilee from Juki in Hong Kong for about US$1K. Might be hard to beat its sonic and tracking virtues at that price.
Thanks Tobes,
I don't want to "read" to much into specs or Stereophile-etc, just a place to start. That is why I asked about successful matches from users here. I did find your other comments about the Jubilee and did a check on cartridgedb. Just trying to get the best out of a cartridge possible with this arm in combination and this one seems very good. I have read much negative about the Graham, its nice to here who uses what with the Graham with great results!

I dont know about the Graham 1.5 but I do have the graham Phantom, I used the Benz Micro Ruby 3 with it, but have switched to the Lyra Helikon mono and Lyra Skala Stereo.

I am impressed with the difference, I have had these carts for about 2 months now and am not planning to move to any other.

I have heard the Ortofon Kontrapunkt B but on the Rega. So I cannot comment on the differences with the Graham. I have moved form the SME V to the Graham Phantom, this move was primatily due to the MONO and STEREO carts that I use, after changing the carts have to do adjust the cart all the time no fun but with the Graham do it once and change the wands. Love that Feature and now my music is much better as well.
Benz rebuilt it like OEM? Do you remember the rebuild price?

I would love to be able to compare a Koetsu rebuild with a Benz rebuild of a Koetsu, but haven't had the chance. I have no reason to doubt the rebuilder's skill, at least. As far as I can tell the Benz-rebuilt cart has the Koetsu characteristics you read about, including the Rosewood Sig's famous (and just delightful) midrange sweetness.

I'm afraid I don't remember the precise rebuild cost but it was cheaper than sending the cart to Koetsu.
Well I decided to try the Ortofon Jubilee listed here from Audio Revelation. Jay was nice to deal with but he was not fond of the Graham 1.5. Next week I shall here what the Jubilee has to offer loaded at 100 on the Graham. I don't really want to purchase another arm but did find out that Michell makes a board for the Triplanar. I need to keep that idea out of my brain ;-)

Thanks again all!

and Tobes
Where is a good place to start with VTA if I use 2.3 VTF?