Cartridge Impedance

I just bought a phono pre-amp that allows me to adjust the impedance of a MC cartridge. I was using 100ohms. Now I want to experiment.
Could someone tell me the effect the trebles will have if I lower or raise the suggested impedance. For example, If I raise the impedance will the highs be more prominent or less prominent? 
Thank you.
Dear @lewm  @terry9   :   """  Impedance (which depends on frequency), capacitance (from the phono cable to the preamp), and inductance from the MC coils.  The combination effectively forms a broad band-pass filter. """

that's was posted anthonymaw and this is what I posted on the regards:

"""  What normally happens is that in some phono stages when load impedance is changed exist/developed an electrical circuit between the phono stage: inductance, impedance and cartridge inductance and even capacitance and whom react to load impedance in reality is not the LOMC but the phono stage performance. ""

that's " a broad band-pass filter ".


Just to be more pedantic so as to possibly annoy the OP, "impedance" is DUE to the inductance and capacitance coupled with the resistances.  If there were no reactive components, i.e., capacitance and inductance, then one would only have to deal with "resistance" which is by definition a constant at all frequencies (although in real life, resistors, some types more than other types, have minor properties of capacitance and inductance, at extreme frequencies).
Poor English is something up with which I shall not put! Ha! 
Your pedantry is beyond my annoyance. But I thought your post was cute.
Let's see, I split the infinitive "to annoy".  But most people don't know what an infinitive is, these days.  And the rule on that has loosened by convention. What else?

Seriously, my message is that if you learn something more than merely the answer to your simple question, perhaps next time you won't have to ask.  Also, I personally cannot stand knowing the answer (to almost any factual question) without at least trying to discover the why of it.