not bps. i can understand its inner groove distortion. its not a great tracker anyhoo. it requires about 1.7 or 1.8 gr of force and even w/the lyle alum block, it only improved, and didnt eliminate its high and low freq probs. thats right, it doesnt go down that well either. the mids, dynamics, and imaging are another story. vg there. inner groove probs never reared their head here because i used it on straight line trackers. i dont expect that if i mount it on my smeIV, there wil be probs but i probably wont mount it on the IV, its not worth the effort considering my other carts (oc9, at150ml, grace f9e, virtuoso dti vdh, etc).
demagging carts depends on which one. ortofon recommends not to do so. the oc9 responds well. this isnt my observation, my friend has the demag and uses it accordingly.
another note: stylus cleaning should not be done with ANY alcohol or solvent based cleaner. some styli are attached with glue which doesnt hold up under solvent attack. my friend lost the stylus from his monsters 1000 and 2000 because fo solvent based cleaning! WARNING!