Cartridge/Phono-Pre Break-in?

I just installed a new Audio-Technica 150MLX cartridge and Cambridge 640p phono-pre in my second system (SL1200 table, Nuforce Icon amp, Gallo speakers), and after two days it sounds about like an AM highs, no dynamics. Computer audio playback sounds quite fine. I thought I might have a poor cartridge wire connection (suckers were tough to install without breaking them) but there's no hum or distortion. Does this happen? Do either of these pieces change dramatically with break-in?

Thanks for any guidance.

I'm unfamiliar with your components, but all cartridges change with break in, some more than others and in different ways of course.

A constricted frequency range is very typical in a new cartridge. They often need some hours to open up, at both ends, so give it some time. How much? It depends. I've heard cartridges open up fully after just 20-30 hours and others that were still developing at 200.

Same for phono pre's, though the changes might be less dramatic than with a cartridge.


Constricted highs can be evidence of improper impedance loading. Make sure you're using the MM inputs and not the MC inputs (sorry if that's obvious).

Excessive VTF will constrict a cartridge's HF response and speed. Check yours with a decent (digital) VTF gauge. If you're using a Shure balance or something similar, throw it away. Good digital scales can be had for way less than $100, so there's really no excuse not to have one. Once the cart has 25-50 hours on it, try reducing VTF in .1g increments and see if the HF's don't come in. Just be careful you don't go too low and start mistracking, which would damage your vinyl.

Finally, excessive antiskate can sound like excessive VTF with many cartridges. Try reducing that too.

Be patient and start working at your setup. Unlike digital, analog playback is not plug and play. It requires work, effort and thought to get any rig optimized. Whether that's a part of the appeal or a royal PIA is up to the individual!
Doug's advice is good. However, it sounds to me like you have something terribly amiss. If it truly sounds like an AM radio, something, somewhere, is not connected properly. Cartridges and phono pre's DO require a break-in, but I've never heard ones that change *that* dramatically - somehting else is the problem...
