Cartridge Recommendation

I Currently have a VPI Scout Turntable with the supplied
jw-9 tonearm and a Dynavector 17D2 low output moving coil cartridge. I am seeking to upgrade the cartridge to a medium output moving coil with my price limitation being
a maximum of $2000.00 retail. Any advice as to what cartridge might improve the sound of turntable and arm?
Get an old (nos if possible) audio technica 155lc and forget the moving coil ratrace.
Kjl, if you don't know just how good your 17d2 is, you deserve to lose 2000$ trying to upgrade your system. Dynavectors are fast carts whose musical virtues have been recognized. maybe your problem lies in your tube phono stage which is having problems dealing with the 17d2's output of .23mv. if i had your money to spend, i'd look into the dyna PH 75 phono which is a steal at 500-600$.it matches the cart and will probably eat your existing phono section alive. then you'll rediscover just how tuneful a dynavector cartridge is. dyna is all about prat, which is a rare commodity in audio. few components regardless of price achieve the basic fundementals of prat. if it don't boogie, it ain't worth having!
Rather than contribute to this hailstorm of recommendations I'd like to ask a few questions:

1. Could you list your system so we have the full picture? 'Dogcanskate' seemingly knows what phono stage you've got but it's a mystery to most of us.

2. What are your musical preferences and priorities?

3. In what ways does your present cartridge fail to satisfy? What are you seeking in a new one?

If you can put your request in fuller context you'll get responses more tailored to your needs.