Cartridge Recommendations

Hi all. I am potentially looking for an all-rounder to pair with my Da Vinci Grandezza 12", on a TW Raven AC. I have a Kondo IO-m which is likely going to Japan for some work. The idea is to get an all-rounder. At this stage, considering everything (of course the Da Vinci cart - but never met anyone who has owned one), so all suggestions are welcome. Synergy with the arm is critical (not changing arms). Phono at this stage is unclear, but am auditioning a Nagra VPS and enjoying it.

Many thanks in advance.
try the Zyx UNIverse, a perfect match wih the Grandezza 12"

best & fun only - Thuchan
The DaVinci Arm is very uncritical to cartridges. It works with nearly everything on a superior level. Choose what you want. One of the real advantages of the DaVinci is the ability to control even very critical carts (which move a lot of Energy into the Arm). A Lyra Titan i will tell you a lot of new "things" in that combination.
the Kondo IO-m is also a match winner with the Grandezza. you may look foward to its return...
Dear Hatari: I heard on my system and other people systems all the cartridges name it here but the own DaVinci and the Silver Spirit and IMHO an " all around " great alternative is this one that not only competes at that high level but in many ways outperform some of those named models:

it has an additional advantage over those very fine LOMC cartridges: the cartridge signal has not to pass through your Kondo SUT. Less stages where the recording signal must pass IMHO means less distortions/colorations and means more MUSIC.

Regards and enjoy the music,