Cartridge recommendations for Thorens BTD 12s arm???

Hi all, I have recently acquired a Thorens TD 135 with a BTD 12s arm. I currently am using a Denon 103 on it of which  there is much written about the synergy between this cart and arm and I completely  agree. As with many of us ,I am happy ,but always looking towards the next move! Being that the arm is of the medium to heavy variety and it seems that a low compliance cart with some weight is required. I had thought of a lower end Koetsu as the compliance is 5 same as the Denon, but would love to hear what some more experienced folks have to say . Yay or Nay on the Koetsu on this arm or other carts that people have used.

Thanks, Jed


@mijostyn  Thanks, I am sure that the Anna is amazing and thanks for the tip about it being discontinued, but even with the best deal imaginable ,it will probably be out of my price range.

Your arm is at lower side of high mass so many cartridges to play. 

Have you considered any of Ortofon SPU's?

You can also consider Zyx Bloom 3 the their entry model but still great.


I have no personal experience with the arm in question, but it seems that people have had good results with Decca’s. Since Decca’s don't play nice with a lot of arms this *might* be an opportunity....

@petg60  Thanks, Those are both great suggestions. I have a friend who is an Ortofon dealer, I will inquire. Have you used the Bloom personally? Have been curious about it as well.

@solypsa Thanks ,the Decca's were on my radar, but would kinda like to hear one first. Also wondered about possibilities when one would have to retip on those.