Cartridge Tracking Force

Does a cartride tracking force over 2 grams cause any damage to our precious vinyl records. I am interest in upgrading to a better cartridge and most of the ones I am interested in track at 2 grams or higher for optimum sonic results.
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...forgot to mention that the cartridge was relatively brand-new (only 2 hours of playing) after i've acquired tracking force gauge.
and after all i'm still above arround 0.2...0.3grams above the upper suggested limit.

To my Erudite knowledge..., DEPENDS...!
On Summer less...
On Winter a litle more that specificated!


Marakanetz, I suspect that your vta is set to high and when you apply more tracking force this will lower your vta. You should set your tracking force to the recommended weight, and adjust your vta until all the instruments are heard clearly,or come into focus. If your arm does not have adjustable vta then I think you know why you have to track heavy to get better sound. You will not get the magic unless you have both the tracking force and vta right.
Johnnyrw, just wondering what turntable and arm you have, and what cartridges you are considering